Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Target and Walmart: Forensics Powerhouses

A Forensics officer starts to work on a new case. To get into his lab, he must go through a state of the art hand scanner and enter a very distinctive password. As he enters the lab he starts to go over all the video surveillance and the take data within the objects left at the crime scene. Although his case is a serious one, his job certainly doesn't match the part. He is a Target employee.
Image result for Target
Many Target superstores are just like the one above, with hidden laboratories inside to solve many various crimes from simple retail crimes that happen in Target to felonies that are given to them by the law bureaus that can't do it by themselves. In fact, Target's own forensics may be better than the own police forensics. This is because unlike the public police department, Target is a private corporation, thus they have no limits on how much they can spend on their forensics team. But the police department does have a limit because it is government funded. Not to mention the fact that police department has loads of cases just flowing. For their forensics team to analyze and focus on one case it would take a very long time to get results back. So on very special occasions, they send their cases to the Target forensics team to have them deal with it. And Target's forensics team is top of the line, Target has spent a lot of money getting good equipment and hiring a very experienced forensics team.They have monitors and surveillance that can look at any store. These Target forensics teams are no joke. Now, you're probably extremely confused, why would Target need a forensics team? Well let's backtrack for a little bit. Well put yourself in the shoes of a CEo of one of the biggest supermarket conglomerates in the world. There is going to be a lot of theft, and a lot of crimes occurring in your stores. However, things have gotten so heated that people have been murdered within a Target store before. In fact there has been a recent crime in 2016 of a murder committed by two brothers in Oakland who have been charged for stabbing a 36 year old man inside a Target store. So as you can see, these crimes aren't to be taken lightly. Thus, Target decided to take matters into its own hands and start to create a forensics team. At first, they were focused on their own retail crimes but once the police caught wind of it they decided to send a few of their own cases. in fact, Target is willing to help solve these cases for free.
 Image result for forensics
They've been doing a good job so far, and if you were to go onto Target's website right now you can find a future career in their forensics team. In addition to this, Walmart has decided to jump onto the bandwagon as well with their own forensics team. So if you're ever in Target or Walmart, don't try to sneak that delicious candy bar you want so much. Just pay for the damn thing because their forensics team will probably be watching you as you're reading this.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci proposed that air was made up of two gases? One for breathing and another for fueling fire.


Neurons, an essential part of the body, without neurons we wouldn't be able to feel or react to anything around us. Besides going through the boring 7th grade science class material, let's really get deep into the science behind neurons.
      The Art of the Neurotransmitter
 Neurotransmitters are like the messengers in our body. They allow messages from the brain to be relayed to the rest of the body. These messages are sent as electrical impulses through a network of neurons. How do you think you know how to behave or how to flinch when something is coming flying at your face? Yes, the brain automatically responds, but what if the message was never received? That would be a problem. These neurotransmitters also carry different chemicals throughout your body to change your behavior. These are some of the chemicals that are sent throughout your body.
Serotonin- Serotonin is a chemical that is sent from the brain to control mood, appetite, and sleep. Depression can be cause by low serotonin levels. Medication prescribed to patients with low serotonin levels act by blocking the serotonin from the sending neuron and thus, more serotonin stays in the synapse of the receiving neuron.
Dopamine- Dopamine helps control movement and adding the flow information to the front of the brain and is linked to thought processes and emotion. Too much or too little dopamine in the brain might be associated with ADHD or schizophrenia.
Glutamate- Glutamate is one of the most common neurotransmitters. Glutamate plays an important role in early brain development and helps with learning and memory.
    What may cause a dysfunction in the neurotransmitter pathways?
Many factors are in place when it comes to relaying messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The speed has to be just right, the tiny gap between the neurons have to be just right, and the neuron has to be in perfect functioning condition. if any of these things are a tiny bit off then something could go terribly wrong. You might be asking yourself at this point, then why aren't I twitching like a defective toy on my floor? That is because neurons continue to grow and make more connections with other neurons. These connections are the reason the the neurons in our body haven't died yet. As we grow older, many of our neurons start to die off, and the age of 75 you will have approximately, one tenth the number of neurons you had as a kid. Don't freak, but when you are born you have more neurons that you can possibly need. plus, the neurons you already have grow and form new connections. These connections make up for the neurons you lost. An additional bonus is the glial cell. This is a type of brain cell that divides to form new cells in order to increase the efficiency of your living neurons and provide a framework to help support them. Feel better now? Although your body is doing a lot to help make sure these neurons are kept safe, there are diseases that specifically target the neurons.
Have you ever heard of Motor Neuron Disease or ALS? If you haven't heard of that you must have heard about the Ice Bucket Challenge. If you haven't heard about either one of these things then you are about to! Motor Neuron Disease or ALS is a disease that specifically targets the nervous system. Guess what it does. If you know that motor neurons are what control your movements then you would know that ALS effects your movement and weakens your muscles. This is actually a really rare disease, less than 20,000 U.S. cases per year.  It is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, this means that it cause your motor neurons to die off. You have to remember that a neuron can't grow back like a regular cell, once it is gone, it is gone forever. However, there are some neurons that have the ability to grow back, but if you have ALS that is not the case. ALS causes you to struggle with many voluntary daily actions. Like reaching for the phone or shaking somebody's hand. ALS was discovered in 1869 by a French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. However, it officially brought national and international attention about the disease by Lou Gehrig in 1939. Many possible causes of ALS could accumulate from Genetic mutation, a chemical imbalance in glutamate, or a disorganized immune system. The immune system can begin to start attacking the body's neurons or the chemical imbalance of glutamate can kill off neurons. If you have a loved one that has ALS, I am really feeling for you! ALS is serious and I hope all of you readers out there learn and spread the word about ALS.